Dear Teacher Buddha,
from the 21st century!
of all, i would like to express my deepest gratitude for inspiring human minds
through last one hundred generation. i am grateful to have you as my teacher.
that you never considered yourself to be something other than a human being-
an awakened one, i could hold my nerve here, and speak out my story sound. At
least you know what it feels to be an ignorant human.
my childhood i had always considered myself that I was my own person, and i did
what i thought i wanted to do in life. i assumed that some combination of knowledge,
career, money, fame and love will drive away all of my woes. However, what i saw
soon was that, in fact, they had made me miserable. My life didn't grow up the
way i needed it to. In reality, it had become the way i wanted it, and never was
really enough. i declared my life was worthless.
going through the lifeless life whilst my mind was gulping some gallons of
ignorance, one day, completely out of blue, i came across to this thought of
yours, teacher Buddha.
“Do not believe me because you see me as your teacher.
Don’t believe me because others do. And don’t believe anything because you've read it in a book, either. Don’t put your faith in reports, or tradition, or
hearsay, or the authority of religious leaders or texts. Don’t rely on mere
logic, or inference, or appearances, or speculation. Believe nothing unless it
agrees with your own reason and your own commons sense.”
i was spellbound. i went again & again, word by word. Everything now had made
sense with those 74 words. i had finally found the disease i was suffering
from. And it was just that somehow i had started living someone else’s life
along the way.
mind didn't have a diet plan in the first place. It seems that i fed it
thoughts from anyone & everywhere, without putting them into toxicity test.
Thus i developed an obese mind, causing all the pains to me and others.
The beauty of human is his innocence, and it
seemed i had lost it. i realized that all the hatred, warring, graveling and manipulation
were my own doing. They came out of my own mind, out of my confusion, my insecurity
and my ignorance, as I didn't awake to my own truth because I continued to
live a lie, a life led by the thoughts & demands of others.
world was so much organized and regulated with rules & conditions, and i saw it as a template for my living. It was a lockstep program of do’s &
i followed what majorities followed. i accepted what the society believed. i adored
who they acclaimed, and i criticized who they disapproved. i was comfortable
with not knowing things for myself. And as if that are not enough there's this media indoctrination that decides what type & level of knowledge i would ultimately acquire.
you taught, the problem here was not just that i believed in some prepackaged
& easy to swallow story by people but the fact that i accepted them to be
true without my own examining. If
everyone liked something, then i felt it was necessarily likable. Plain & simple.
was like how a parent would inquire about the groom by everyone in the village,
except knowing through the groom himself.
I just failed to understand that people always told their versions of story. Someone
said about other person was twisted from the total reality as his judgments
were based on his likes & dislike, knowledge, ambition, experience and
leaning of his own mind. They were always less than the truth. They were always
of finding my life’s simple truth and reality, in all my emotions &
feelings I imagined; I assumed; I believed; I expected; I speculated; I
wished; I covered up the truths & facts by just following the light of others, because the actual version came naked, and tasted bitter.
you said, there actually in everything is something real, genuine and true for
me to see, and seeing for myself what’s true is really the only way that I can
genuinely know anything.
instance, how i used to lose my sleep in fear when i was a kid believing in all
the ghost stories i heard. i wouldn't have had that irrational fear or
confusion if only i allowed myself to venture out in that dark and find out myself if
those ghosts were real. I could have known then that they were just stories
made up of people’s imagination. The problem was that I didn't suspend my
criticisms & judgments until I genuinely knew about things.
you say, “Truth can’t be expressed in words. It can only to be experienced.
It’s directly seeing truth itself, prior to forming or hearing any ideas about
it. Reality and truth are self evident.”
I did create distinction out of my own mind and believed them to be true. Thus the non verifiable
& non factual truth ultimately brought me an incorrect perception about my
life. Thus I gifted me confusions. I lost myself in the persuasion of power,
materials, knowledge and fame believing society would judge me better. And I was put out to prove myself to people whom
I didn't even know in the first place.
I held, relied and adhered forever onto whatever
I thought, believed and understood was true. There was this fixed view of myself &
the world based on my present fluid-experience, and missed the reality &
truth big-time.
I didn't realize that including my knowledge there’s nothing that’s everlasting
& unchanging self. But i had this mindset where I framed everything as good
& bad, above & below, eastern & western and rich & poor based
on past history as well as that limited & ever-evolving knowledge of mine & the society. It ultimately brought me confusions & problems since it simply never matched the reality.
of cultivating this exquisite attention to the present moment- with openness
and without judgment, I was so captivated by thought and emotions.
It like
how one of my customers still believed that our product is inferior even now
just because it failed about 8 years ago. But in reality, there was always a
lot of change in the meantime happened to people, technology, infrastructure
and quality of the product. So how come a conclusion here is logical without
actually testing the product?
enough, many of my life’s truths were a carbon copy this scenario. I never reviewed my truth based on my motion & fluid experience. I resisted change. I ignored change I didn't get use of my
reasoning & commonsense every time.
teacher, having had this crucial self-realization, i still have this fear of being booed away for finding my own truth since i have always needed
approval from others to be myself. Seeing what’s right and what’s wrong beyond
the “already in use” culture and age old traditions/belief is a punishable act
to the society.
It like when I differ from people, the world thinks something is wrong with me. Neat & clean.
It like when I differ from people, the world thinks something is wrong with me. Neat & clean.
I want to take this long unknown journey with the glowing light i have found in me through the help of your teaching, as this path will set me free forever from my all confusions & ignorance. And i could always draw some inspiration from the fact that you
did that journey once, and never really looked back.
I would like to again thank for all your guidance & lessons. I take immense pride in
being your student, teacher Buddha.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
my awakening soul.