Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Essence

When I see two people slapping each other for a silly accident in roadside; when I hear a leader calling for mass murdering in the name of patriotism; when I watch an artist solely believes heroism is all about shooting and some brutal beating. I cannot help but always wonder.  But then, I realize everybody is not Mahatma Gandhi and his ideas.
No doubt, even 21st century couldn't avoid the belief on violence, while there was a guy who did it in 1900s. I tell you why.
100 yrs back, people’s mind didn't have as much access to knowledge, socialization and development as now, with the communications. There couldn't be a better provoking then as such when some aliens invaded into your land and order you how to live, while there were the times when people believed that being brave is about killing their enemy, by seeing all the five-sensed animals.
But then, situation, there is this guy who was going to come out and tell people they were going to fight it out through non-violence, for the first time possibly after inventing the wheels. It must be like rewriting the DNA’s of the people who were emotionally attached to bloods.
I wonder how many of us would have even listened to the idea, let alone believing it.
But Believing is everything, right?  And believing in you and the thing you know is all really matters, even if they look silly to others.
He believed in peace and peace must have believed in him. Together, they led a country to freedom, which may be the biggest understatement of all time.
May be a wife who lost her husband in a freedom fight, could tell the difference what Peace makes. And so did Mahatma Gandhi make to this country. When the world politics was stained in the bloods of world wars, he was the gene who repaired it with harmony and non-violence across the world.
He was, is, the testimony to courage and belief. And I just adore him for the fact that he was different to the entire round-shaped world.
When you see 21st century leaders who construct their belief for power and fame, you couldn't possibly imagine for a peaceful world arriving. But then if you are going to lose a half of your people in fighting for freedom, you don’t do any good to your community, after all.
When asked to give a message to the people, he would respond, "My life is my message." But I seriously doubt if we have decoded it, yet.
Happy Birthday, Mahatma Gandhi! Remembering you is not a bad way to spend every October 2. In fact that’s the right way.

To a selfless, courageous and ever inspiring soul!

Murugapandiyan P